The POLIFAN® PSF ZIRKON-EXTRA range of flap discs features a special flap arrangement to provide flexibility and a cushioned grinding effect. Built with premium Zirconia abrasive material, PSF ZIRKON-EXTRA is constructed with 40% more material than standard PSF flap discs, providing a long service life and an improved surface finish.
Abrasive: Zirconia Alumina Z
Grit sizes: 36, 40, 60, 80, 120
INOX-rated: Free of iron, sulphur and chlorinated fillers; suitable for use on stainless steel (INOX)
Workpiece Materials: Steel, stainless steel (INOX)
Application: Surface grinding, work on weld seams
Recommendation for Use: While these discs perform on all power outputs, high-powered angle grinders will achieve optimum resulPFE